
Doom play a game of demon destruction
Doom play a game of demon destruction

doom play a game of demon destruction

A helmet from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Easter egg And, by the way, if you look at the helmet you can see the word DOOM. As it turned out, it was a reference to the series of games Commander Keen, which was created by the developers from id Software. While playing the game you should be extremely careful in order to find an interesting and at the same time strange helmet, which is on the head of a smiling skeleton. A helmet from Commander Keen series Easter egg In General, the video below shows the entire scene perfectly. Once the health is completely gone, there will be an Easter egg from the movie Terminator 2, where old Arnold Schwarzenegger shows thumb up. To watch this interesting scene, you need to jump into the lava. To get this very interesting Easter egg, you have to die, but not anyhow. Besides the fact that the game itself does not match the format of the new part, but there is also a reference to the original of the DOOM series. If you use one particular computer in one of the laboratories, you will be able to activate a difficult, but quite playable mini-game called “Demon of Destruction”.

doom play a game of demon destruction

As it turned out, a productive actor does not appear in the game for one banal reason – he’s dead! See the screen with the dead list below.

doom play a game of demon destruction

In the new DOOM there are an interesting enough list with the names of the dead, where can be found old man Sean Bean. There is a plenty of them: from mini-game to retro-secrets! In this article you may read about all the eggs in the game. It turned out that DOOM 4 (2016) is full of Easter Eggs.

Doom play a game of demon destruction